Integrating SmartBody with threeJS

This project suggests one way of integrating SmartBody character animation scene into WebTundra based Virtual Oulu model.


Currently, just a simple threeJS scene is initialized and connected to a Python backend using WebSocket. On the other hand, the Python backend is managing a SmartBody scene and handling WebSocket requests.


The following libraries are needed before running the project:


First make sure SMARTBODYDIR variable is set to where SmartBody is installed. It is used by to locate default SmartBody data (skeletons, motions, scripts .. etc)

> SET SMARTBODYDIR=C:\SmartBody-r5919

Then also following SmartBody installation with Python guidelines make sure the following run without getting errors:

> python -c "import SmartBody;s=SmartBody.getScene()"

Then simply run the following:

> python
Initialize SceneRouterTask...
Polling for connections...
Initialize SbSceneWorkerTask...
media path = C:\SmartBody-r5919/data
Loaded motions: 39
Loaded skeletons: 2
SB: BML idle ...
SB: num of pawns in the scene = 1
SB: num of characters in the scene = 1
Worker-1: Send READY
Polling for connections...
 * Running on

Then browse to http://localhost:5050/ and get brad in a scene with a sphere like the following:

ScreenShot of Brad in a threeJS scene

To stop the server, use Ctrl+BREAK on Windows (Ctrl+C isn't working yet!)

Appendix: How we installed SmartBody r5919 on Windows 8

  • Download SmartBody (Win32 r5919)
  • Installed to C:\SmartBody-r5919
  • Copy all the .dll files from C:\SmartBody-r5919\bin to <python_lib_dir> (e.g. C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages)
  • Rename SmartBody.dll to SmartBody.pyd
  • Add smartbody.pth file that contains one-line SmartBody
  • After that, the following command should work without errors.:
python -c "import SmartBody;s=SmartBody.getScene();"

Good Luck!


Mohamed Abdrabo, Henri Ronkko, Junjie Zhou, Henri Tuomivaara

Good luck!