
  • run_crowddemo.py is successfully running the SmartBody provided CrowdDemo.py sample script and observing changing Brads positions and rotations
  • In sb-cpp/multi_brad_scene project, successfully managed to run CrowdDemo.py script. multi_brad_scene is using SmartBody C++ APIs as character animation engine separately from 3D rendering
  • miniogreSB renders two ogres created and animated in ogresmartbody.py script and rendered using OGRE3D
  • miniogreSB project is now runnable from sb-cpp solution.
  • Create gh-pages branch and write these pages


  • brad_scene.py is successfully managing a SmartBody scene of one brad and listening for update and bml requests
  • brad_scene.html using threeJS-r69 to render Brad mesh and skeleton converted also using io_threejs-r69 Blender plugin
  • brad_socketio.py using flask-socketio extension to handle websockets event from threeJS scene
  • Using ZMQ to route the requests between the socketio loop and SmartBody scene
  • Brad in the brad_scene doesn't actually move
  • Bone-updates aren't glued to threeJS mesh yet!